England, Whales, Scotland, Belgium, Amsterdam, germany

My father completed his Doctorate degree in England so our whole family would make the trip there for his graduation ceremony.

I made a trip around his graduation days and the plan was to first fly to Germany into Frankfurt from Bangkok and meet my good friend Bernd in Bamberg, then we would take his car and drive down the the south and meet up with his Sister. Then we would drive up to Berlin and have a few days to chill there.

From Berlin, I would then fly to England to meet my family in London. We rented a white Ford Taurus and drove to many places included Whales and Scotland and eventually ending in Nottingham for my father's graduation. It was a beautiful trip and I really appreciated the scenary and the beauty of the landscapes of the U.K. Having not been to Europe for a few years prior to it, I was reminded of how much I missed it!

The windy cold coast of Wales was epic and we stayed in a large room on the ground floor facing the oceans. I thought about how tough it would be to live here all year, this was the summer and it was this cold and windy already!

After the U.K. I departed by myself and took the train across the chunnel to Belgium where I met up with my friend Tomas. We stayed in Brussels which I thought was not so nice. Run down and ghettos like in many places. We then made our way up to Amsterdam where was had a good time for a few days. The last day we got a little stoned from just one joint! Tomas barely made it to his flight back to Slovakia and I luckily had a few hours which I used to crash in my room before going to take the train back to Frankfurt where my flight was to fly back to Thailand!
